Paragon Fellowship

Paragon works with state and local governments, big and small, from every jurisdiction across the country to provide pro-bono tech policy research to inform evidence-based policymaking.

Interested in exploring a partnership with Paragon?

01 Our Impact

Over the last year, Paragon has partnered with 11 governments across 8 states through 21 projects.

02 Past Projects

We've worked with governments and organizations across the country to better science & tech policy processes. Our work ranges has ranged from writing GenAI policy with the State of Georgia, advising on deepfake policy for the City of San Jose, to writing accessibility guidelines for translation software for the City of Lebanon.


03 Testimonials

While Georgia now has an AI policy in effect, the massive boom of generative AI has brought with it specific challenges. This Spring, Paragon fellows worked with the GTA to recommend enforcement and education mechanisms to address generative AI's potential effect on government operations at the state level. The work produced by Paragon will help inform a GenAI policy that contains guidelines for the use of generative AI by all 40,000 state employees.

— Nikhil Deshpande, Chief Digital and AI Officer, Georgia Technology Authority

04 Project Scoping & Timeline

Our typical project timeline:

Late January 2025

Policy Bootcamp

Mid March 2025

Check-ins & Midpoint Review with Paragon Team

Late March 2025

Midpoint Presentation

Late April 2025

Final Policy Brief Presentation

End of April 2025

Final Cohort Presentation & Wrap-Up

May 1st 2025

Cohort End

05 FAQ

What can Paragon
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